About Wipro GmbH

A Foreign Trade Service Company In Dresden

The company Wipro GmbH is based in the Technology Center Dresden. The company's shareholders are Ms. Eva-Maria Deckert, Ms. Jähnig-Prahl and Mr. Frank Beuchler. Mr. Bob Hooda acts as the company's authorized signatory.

The company's core business is supporting German companies seeking entry into foreign markets. For several years, the company's geographical focus has been on the SADC - Southern African Development Community (the economic community of southern Africa). The company maintains numerous contacts with important decision-makers from business and politics and takes part in international tenders (e.g. the World Bank, European Commission).

Our Goals

Goals Of Our Company

Wipro GmbH is a foreign trade services company that is in tune with the times. We open up the complex markets of southern and eastern Africa to German companies. Wipro builds strategic alliances with partners in southern Africa to support and implement your project on site. Wipro is on hand to advise the company in question, offering advice and support. We work through all phases of the project, from conception to implementation of the project abroad. This can involve pure export and service projects or joint ventures. By taking over the organization and establishing contact with suitable local companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are offered the opportunity to participate in the economic growth of the SADC states.

Participation in investments is often associated with a number of benefits. With our relevant knowledge of funding programs, local public institutions and our many years of experience with the business culture in the country, we put you in a position to make optimal use of these advantages for the client. back to top

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